Parking Policy
Complimentary parking is provided for guests and vendors of the Hilliard Art Museum. All other vehicles will be ticketed and towed away at the owner’s expense
Photography Policy
The Hilliard Art Museum grounds are available to the public as a beautiful backdrop for photographers. In the past, this was free. However, due to the rising cost of maintaining the grounds and the water wall, effective August 1, 2024, a $25/hour fee will be associated with each photo session.
Upon arrival, photographers must pay and register their license plate and the license plate of their clients (maximum of 3 total vehicles) with the museum by scanning the QR code on the Parking/Photography sign located in the museum parking lot. Parking is limited to a 2-hour maximum for photo sessions. All vehicles left in the Hilliard parking lot for more than 2 hours will be ticketed and towed away at the owner’s expense.
We advise photographers to refer to our events schedule located on the web at to ensure there is no conflict with an existing Hilliard event.
If our grounds or parking lot is overflowing with individuals who are disrupting our operations or damaging our grounds, ULPD will be called by the Hilliard Security Guard to enforce our parking policy.
Water Wall and Plaza Protocol
Due to the cost of maintaining the water wall, the plaza, and safety concerns, the following protocols are mandated:
- No confetti, streamers, banners tied or affixed to the building, releasing of balloons
- No entering the water wall pool – no standing in, sitting in, or laying in the water pool
- No pets allowed in the water pool
The Hilliard reserves the right to alter the prices at their discretion in relation to the service provided. To book your photo session, fill out the form below. Your booking begins as soon as payment is processed.