Summer 2017
Amie Rogers – Narrative Journeys
Amie Rogers is a mixed media ceramic artist working with themes of home as a place for discovering and questioning life. Amie grew up in Louisiana, where she draws inspiration from the landscape, people and architecture that surrounds her. She received her BFA in Ceramics at University of Louisiana at Lafayette and her MFA in Ceramics at California State University-Chico, where she received the Hooper’s Masters of Fine Arts Scholarship. In 2012, she received a grant to study with Anton Reijnders at Haystack Mountain School for Crafts in Deer Isle, Maine. She currently teaches high school ceramics at Episcopal School of Acadiana.
Program Description:
During the spring and summer of 2017, Amie Rogers led a week-long community arts project in collaboration with the museum educator. They created
hands-on/minds-on, arts-integrated lessons featuring creative activities and gallery tours in response to one of the museum’s exhibitions –
Spiritual Journeys: Homemade Art from the Becky and Wyatt Collins Collection.
Amie led a professional development workshop for educators that reviewed how to plan an arts-integrated lesson and suggested teaching techniques to support students’ creative development. Teachers earned CLU’s as a part of their learning and participation in the week’s events.
During the week, Amie taught workshops for K-12 students who were attending local summer camps using the developed lesson plan, for a total of 8 workshops. She also led art activities at the museum during Play Day: The Art of Recycling on Saturday, July 15.
Students served through Workshop: 163
Counselors served through Workshop: 26
Teachers served through Workshop: 13
Children served through Play Day: 103
Adults served through Play Day: 100
Total Community Served: 405